var txtMap = {}; txtMap["Accept"] = "Accept"; txtMap["Achievements"] = "Achievements"; txtMap["Are you sure you want to block this player?"] = "Are you sure you want to block this player?"; txtMap["Are you sure you want to leave? You can select Back to continue waiting for your opponent."] = "Are you sure you want to leave? You can select Back to continue waiting for your opponent."; txtMap["Are you sure you want to log out?"] = "Are you sure you want to log out?"; txtMap["Back"] = "Back"; txtMap["Block"] = "Block"; txtMap["Blocked"] = "Blocked"; txtMap["Board"] = "Board"; txtMap["Chat"] = "Chat"; txtMap["Chessboard Settings"] = "Chessboard Settings"; txtMap["Chessboard size"] = "Chessboard size"; txtMap["Chessboard type"] = "Chessboard type"; txtMap["Close"] = "Close"; txtMap["Confirm"] = "Confirm"; txtMap["Connected"] = "Connected"; txtMap["Connecting..."] = "Connecting..."; txtMap["Connection lost, trying to reconnect..."] = "Connection lost, trying to reconnect..."; txtMap["Continue"] = "Continue"; txtMap["Deny"] = "Deny"; txtMap["Gem bet"] = "Gem bet"; txtMap["Gems"] = "Gems"; txtMap["Information"] = "Information"; txtMap["Invite"] = "Invite"; txtMap["Join Date"] = "Join Date"; txtMap["Leave"] = "Leave"; txtMap["Limited by single-move time"] = "Limited by single-move time"; txtMap["Limited by total time"] = "Limited by total time"; txtMap["Locked"] = "Locked"; txtMap["Log Out"] = "Log Out"; txtMap["Long Pro Opening Rule"] = "Long Pro Opening Rule"; txtMap["minutes"] = "minutes"; txtMap["New Board"] = "New Board"; txtMap["New Caro Board"] = "New Caro Board"; txtMap["New Gomoku Board"] = "New Gomoku Board"; txtMap["Open"] = "Open"; txtMap["Opening rule"] = "Opening rule"; txtMap["Personal"] = "Personal"; txtMap["Play"] = "Play"; txtMap["Pro Opening Rule"] = "Pro Opening Rule"; txtMap["Processing failed because the sender is offline."] = "Processing failed because the sender is offline."; txtMap["Processing failed."] = "Processing failed."; txtMap["Rank"] = "Rank"; txtMap["Round"] = "Round"; txtMap["seconds"] = "seconds"; txtMap["seconds per move"] = "seconds/move"; txtMap["Shields"] = "Shields"; txtMap["Standard"] = "Standard"; txtMap["Standard Opening Rule"] = "Standard Opening Rule"; txtMap["The message has not been sent because the user is offline."] = "The message has not been sent because the user is offline."; txtMap["The tournament has ended. Thank you for your participation."] = "The tournament has ended. Thank you for your participation."; txtMap["This board has been locked."] = "This board has been locked."; txtMap["Time controls"] = "Time controls"; txtMap["Update"] = "Update"; txtMap["Waiting"] = "Waiting"; txtMap["Waiting for opponent"] = "Waiting for opponent"; txtMap["Waiting for opponent to be ready."] = "Waiting for opponent to be ready."; txtMap["Winning Percentage"] = "Winning Percentage"; txtMap["You do not have enough gems."] = "You do not have enough gems."; txtMap["You have successfully registered for the tournament."] = "You have successfully registered for the tournament."; txtMap["You lose!"] = "You lose!"; txtMap["You must have an account to play."] = "You must have an account to play."; txtMap["You must leave this game."] = "You must leave this game."; txtMap["You won!"] = "You won!"; txtMap["Your request cannot be processed."] = "Your request cannot be processed."; txtMap["Your turn"] = "Your turn"; var lang = "en"; function gettext(name) { var obj = txtMap[name]; if(obj !== null && obj !== undefined) { return obj; } return name; }